Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Step III Implementation Strategy:
Orchard Neighborhood and Sea Cliff Avenue Corridor.
The Orchard Neighborhood and Sea Cliff Avenue Corridor Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) study area is generally bounded by the City of Glen Cove’s southern border, the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) to the west and north, and Cedar Swamp Road to the east (with the addition of the former Coles School property on the east side of Cedar Swamp Road).
The Step III BOA Implementation Strategy provides recommendations to support the redevelopment and revitalization of key sites/areas within the BOA study area. It encourages new commercial investment along Sea Cliff Avenue; encourages new mixed-use development by the Glen Street LIRR Station, with a significant affordable housing component; and recommends improvements to sidewalks, lighting, and drainage in the Orchard Neighborhood and along Sea Cliff Avenue. The Step III BOA process supported reuse of the former Coles School and reuse of the former Pall Corporation site. The Step III BOA Implementation Strategy builds upon planning efforts underway in Glen Cove since 2012 (click here to visit the webpage for the 2012 BOA Step II Nomination Study).
Thank you to all who attended the Public Open House for the Step III BOA project on December 6, 2018, and to all who participated in the public survey.
After the Public Open House, the City of Glen Cove and Glen Cove Community Development Agency (CDA) worked with the project consultants (Nelson, Pope & Voorhis (NP&V)) to revise the BOA Step III Implementation Strategy document to incorporate input received at the Open House, through the survey, and generally.
BOA Step III Implementation Strategy Report (Revised January 2019)
The Step III BOA Implementation Strategy document was revised based upon public input and feedback provided at the Public Open House held on December 6, 2018. On January 22, 2019, the Glen Cove City Council accepted the BOA Step III Implementation Strategy document for purposes of commencing environmental review.
BOA Step III Implementation Strategy: Executive Summary (PDF)
Memo to City Council Revised BOA III January 2019 (PDF)
The Glen Cove City Council began the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) process for the BOA Step III in January 2019. On January 22, 2019, the Council adopted a Positive Declaration per SEQRA indicating that a Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) must be prepared.
Links to SEQRA documents are below:
Draft Scoping Document for the Draft GEIS (PDF)
Notice (PDF) indicating that a Draft Scope has been filed. Written comments on the Draft Scope were accepted from the public and all involved and interested agencies until the close of business on March 8, 2019.
Notice (PDF) indicating that a Final Scope has been adopted.
Final Scoping Document for the Draft GEIS (PDF). On March 26, 2019, the Glen Cove City Council adopted the Final Scope and directed the BOA consultants to prepare a GEIS in accordance with the Final Scope and SEQRA.
Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (Draft GEIS) (PDF) On May 28, 2019, the Glen Cove City Council accepted the Draft GEIS as adequate in scope and content to commence public review.
Notice (PDF) indicating the Draft GEIS has been accepted and scheduling a public hearing on the Draft GEIS and BOA Step III Implementation Strategy.
The Glen Cove City Council held a public hearing on Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 7:00pm in the Main Chambers of City Hall (located at 9 Glen Street, Glen Cove NY) in order to hear all comments regarding the Draft GEIS and the BOA Step III Implementation Strategy for the Orchard Neighborhood and Sea Cliff Avenue Corridor.
June 27, 2019 Public Hearing Presentation Slides (PDF)
Written comments on the Draft BOA Step III document and Draft GEIS were accepted until the close of business on July 29, 2019.
A Final GEIS—which includes comments on the Step III BOA and Draft GEIS that were received from the public and involved and interested agencies, as well as responses to comments—was prepared. At the City Council meeting on September 24, 2019, Council discussed acceptance of the Final GEIS. NP&V has prepared a document that provides an overview of updates to the Step III BOA Implementation Strategy document made in response to comments received from the City Council, involved and interested agencies, and public during the SEQRA process.
Updates to Step III BOA Implementation Strategy Document since January 2019 (PDF)
Feedback on the BOA Step III can be submitted by email to [email protected].
The materials for this project were prepared for the City of Glen Cove and Glen Cove Community Development Agency with state funds provided by the New York State Department of State through the Brownfield Opportunity Areas Program. Click here for a description of the State’s BOA Program. The grant was successfully closed-out and fully reimbursed.
Click here to visit the web page for the 2012 BOA Step 2 Nomination Study