The City of Glen Cove Youth Bureau
Founded in 1981, The City of Glen Cove Youth Bureau is the premier organization in the City dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment so that all youth, all families, and the entire community achieve their potential.

Among the services offered by Glen Cove Youth Bureau are the following:
Seasonal Youth Employment Program (SYEP)
SYEP Green Teams
Available to 14-15-year-old youth residents, entering 9-10th grade. Applicants tend to have little to no work experience. The program is designed to teach young teens work responsibility (punctuality, teamwork, following directions, and community involvement). Throughout the program, workshops on resume writing, interviewing, and personal success are incorporated.
Contact: Jacki Yonick [email protected]
SYEP Internship Program
SYEP Internship Program Interns are residents ages 16-18, 10th-12th grade, many stepping up from the Green Teams. After 12 weeks of training, interns apply for positions offered within City of Glen Cove Departments, non-profit organizations, and local business partnerships through the Private-Public Partnership. Training includes comprehensive resume writing, mastering interview techniques, goal setting and time management, work ethics and etiquette, guest speakers, and video presentations. Interviews are competitive.
Youth Employment Project
Teens in the internship program can interview to join the YE Project - an entrepreneur program where students run the local sports stadium concession stands and community garden. This project is youth-led—teens develop the work schedule, maintain and order inventory, complete press releases, interview new applicants, and update social media and website to promote the program.
Contact: Jacki Yonick – [email protected]
Glen Cove Youth Bureau Summer Camp
Operated within one of the city school district buildings, this typical 5-week program provides youth entering grades 1–8 with onsite activities including arts and crafts, sports, STREAM workshops and games, and positive socialization. Trips are offered 2-3 times weekly to various locations, such as trampoline and amusement parks, sports centers, zoos, and aquariums, to name a few. Long Island Aquarium, US Skates, local museums, and play centers. (Remove)
Campers are grouped according to grade level and are under the supervision of qualified senior staff and CIT's. In addition to counselors, the program has full-time EMT's and a Program Coordinator on-site daily.
This is a fee-based program that covers all costs of all activities, including trips.
Registration occurs in April
Contact: Sandra Potter – [email protected]
The After 3 Program
For over 10 years, the Glen Cove Youth Bureau’s After 3 Program has helped develop and strengthen the academic, social, and emotional needs of students. The After 3 after-school program runs throughout the school year, and the After 3 Summer Program bridges the gap between school years with academic enrichment and recreation. The program's goal is to prepare students for a successful and healthy future by helping them experience success while progressing through elementary and middle school.
Contact: Carolina Guastella Di Maggio [email protected] - 516-319-9968
After 3 Program Features
Youth Bureau Youth Center Afterschool Program
The Youth Bureau Afterschool Program is available to students in grades 1-5 weekday after school, from 3 pm-6 pm, Monday through Friday. Students complete homework tasks under the watchful eyes of staff, where they receive needed assistance in Math, English, Science, and Social Studies. Children must also complete 20 minutes of required reading from a book of their choosing; a library is provided at the Youth Center, grouped according to reading levels. The balance of the time is used to solidify friendships, play games, use the computer lab, and participate in arts and crafts and other organized activities. Students also go on trips to local attractions.
There is no fee to participate in programming, and transportation is available from the Elementary school to the Youth Center on a first-come, first-served basis.
Contact: Sandra Potter – [email protected]
The Youth Bureau facilitates 1:1 mentoring for youth at risk. Youth are paired with adult members of the community who serve as role models for the youth. Mentors serve for 1-year terms, and meetings are within the community.
Contact: Charmaine Clarke – [email protected]
Glen Cove Youth Bureau Events
- Fill-A-Backpack (offering school supplies at the onset of the school year),
- Lights on After School
- Holiday Food Baskets
- Milk and Cookies with Santa
- 4th of July Bike Parade
Recreation Events
- July 4th celebration @ Morgan Park (July)
- Mayor’s Snapper Derby on the Pryibil Beach Pier (late August)
- Morgan Park summer Concert Series (Summer)
- Spring Egg Hunt
Recreation Programs and Services
Youth Programs
- Junior Basketball (November-March)
- Swimming Lessons @ Pryibil Beach (July- August)
- Tennis Lessons @ Stanco Park (Spring/Summer/Fall)
- Under the Lights Youth Basketball League @ Stanco Park (July-August)
Adult Programs
- Tai Chi in the park @ Morgan Park
- Yoga in the park @ Morgan Park
- Zumba in the park @ Morgan Park
Extensive Work With
- Glen Cove Baseball Softball Association (Spring)
- Glen Cove Jr. Football and Cheerleading League (Fall)
- Glen Cove Jr. Soccer League (Spring and Fall)
- Glen Cove Jr. Lacrosse (Spring)
- Glen Cove School District Athletics (year-round)
- Glen Cove Boxing Club (year-round)
- Glen Cove Range Commission (year-round)
- Glen Cove Youth Board
- Back to School Supplies – School supplies are provided each September to needy students entering grades K-12.
- Contact: Charmaine Clarke – [email protected]
Glen Cove Youth Bureau Funding
The Glen Cove Youth Bureau is funded by the City of Glen Cove, Nassau County Department of Human Services Office of Youth Services, New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Glen Cove Community Development Agency Community Block Grant, Long Island Community Foundation, Legislative support and fundraising by the Friends of the Glen Cove Youth Board.
Friends of the Glen Cove Youth Board
Visit our website:
The Friends of the Glen Cove Youth Board is a 501(c)(3) organization that was formed for the purpose of supporting and augmenting many of the programs that are offered by the Glen Cove Youth Bureau.
Along with supporting the efforts of the Youth Bureau, the Friends also offer scholarships to Glen Cove youth who demonstrate extraordinary service to their community.
The Friends of the Glen Cove Youth Board is funded by grants from New York State and private organizations, and donations from businesses and individuals. As a volunteer organization, virtually all its funds go directly toward helping youth in the community.
If you would like to make a donation, please make your check payable to Friends of the Glen Cove Youth Board and mail to Glen Cove Youth Bureau, 128B Glen Street, Glen Cove, NY 11542. For more information, call (516) 671-4600. In-kind donations that directly support the Youth Bureau programs are also accepted. Please note, while we appreciate your generosity, we are not able to accept used books, clothing, toys, TVs, electronics or sporting goods. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Thank you for your kindness toward others.