The Department of Public Works is responsible to maintain and operate all the public works and physical properties of the city as well as supervise and administer all contracts with the city for public construction. The Department is made up of the following: Administration and Building Maintenance, Roads, Sanitation and Recycling, Parks, Beautification, and Water.
Hours of Field Operation for Public Works are from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Office hours are open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For general inquiries regarding the Department of Public Works , please call (516) 676-4402.
Michael M. Yeosock -- Director of Public Works -- [email protected]
Manny Grella -- General Labor Foreman -- (516) 676-4853 -- [email protected]
Rocco Graziosi -- Project Manager -- [email protected]
Vincent Martinez -- Working Supervisor -- [email protected]
Elizabeth Mestres -- Senior Account Clerk -- (516) 676-4402 -- [email protected]
The Administration and Building Maintenance division is responsible for the administrative oversight of the Public Works operations as well as the maintenance of all facilities. The office located within City Hall handles many resident services such as the issuance of permits and providing information regarding department functions. The administrative oversight includes responsibility for all personnel, engineering projects, communications, accounting, billing, requisitioning of grants, and preparation of both the fiscal budget and the capital budget for the entire Public Works Department.
Sidewalk and driveway construction/repair which takes place within City right-of-way is regulated by a permit process in order to assure optimal user safety. For new residential driveway installation, or to widen a driveway, one must; stake or spray the intended width; not to exceed 22 feet maximum, and must be installed a minimum of one foot zero inches (side yard setback) from the nearest adjacent property line. No driveway may have a dimension exceeding 22 feet in width within the front yard setback and must be installed a minimum of two feet zero inches (side yard setback) from the nearest adjacent property line. The Water Department will conduct an inspection to ensure safe digging. Residents must also dial 811 at least 2 business days, but no more than 10 business days before any excavation starts to ensure safe digging involving other utilities. The fee for a Curb Cut Permit is $275.00. For more information please call DPW (516) 676-4402.
Permit applications and detailed instructions are available on the 3rd floor of City Hall, Room 301, 9 Glen Street, Glen Cove, New York. For telephone inquiries call (516) 676-4278.
Utility construction and maintenance activities that require a Road Opening are also regulated by permit. An applicant must provide the purpose of the opening, who is requesting the opening, the location of the work and the size of the opening(s). The cost for the Road Opening Permit is based upon the following: $275.00 for the Road Opening itself, plus an additional deposit based upon the size of the opening and the material that is being utilized. Asphalt Openings (Streets) are calculated at the rate of $30.00 per square foot. Concrete (Sidewalks) are calculated at the rate of $45.00 per square foot. For example, an asphalt opening that is 3ft X 4ft (12 sq ft) will cost $275.00 plus $360.00 deposit for a total of $635.00. A concrete opening of the same size 3ft X 4ft (12 sq ft) will cost $275.00 plus $540.00 for a total of $815.00. The deposit is returnable with the approval of the final inspection 24 months after the original permit is issued. Questions regarding the activities of a particular utility within the right-of-way may be directed to the phone number below.
Permit applications and detailed instructions are available on the 3rd floor of City Hall, Room 301, 9 Glen Street, Glen Cove, New York. For telephone inquiries call (516) 676-4402.
Residents are permitted to have a dumpster on their private property, such as on their driveway, without the issuance of a City Permit. If a resident wishes to place a dumpster or container on a City Street; a Permit for the Temporary Obstruction of Highway must be obtained. Please call DPW (516) 676-4402 and inform them of the location – street and exact placement of dumpster / container, purpose of container, name and phone number of resident, name and phone number of dumpster company . The city inspector will then make a site visit to assure the location of the proposed placement is safe. If the location is approved, a fee of $100.00 is required to obtain a permit that will be valid for 60 days from issuance. The dumpster must have the Company name on it and reflectors. The dumpster company or resident must submit a certificate of insurance from the dumpster company, naming the city as additionally insured.
Permit applications and detailed instructions are available on the 3rd floor of City Hall, Room 301, 9 Glen Street, Glen Cove, New York. For telephone inquiries call (516) 676-4278.
Special Events (e.g. parades, block parties, carnivals, road festivals, etc.) which are to be held in whole or part in municipal streets and rights-of-way are regulated by way of a permit process. Contact the City Clerk’s office for further information (516) 676-3345.
Permit applications and detailed instructions are available on the 3rd floor of City Hall, Room 301, 9 Glen Street, Glen Cove, New York. For telephone inquiries call (516) 676-4278.
The Buildings and Grounds Maintenance personnel are responsible for all building services, including but not limited to general maintenance and repair of city facilities, municipal parking garages and lots.
Any scaffold erected on a city sidewalk needs a permit, a certificate of insurance, and a hold harmless which must be signed by the company.
Responsible for the maintenance and repair of the City’s Streets, including Street Sweeping, Drainage, Right of Way, Tree Maintenance, Snow & Ice Control, Curb and Sidewalk Maintenance, Traffic Signage, Street Lighting System, Tree Trimming, Beautification Program and Vehicular Fleet Maintenance. Responsible for 75 center lane miles of roadway in total.
The City of Glen Cove focuses significant resources on an annual basis in the preservation of its asphalt paved lane miles of streets. As part of the City’s annual capital program, streets are repaired on a priority basis. An assessment is conducted during the Fall/Winter preceding the annual program. The program is prioritized by major roadways and thoroughfares, pavement condition, and ride ability.
It should be noted that some roads may warrant repaving, but may be deferred because another capital improvement project, such as a water, storm drainage, or sewer line replacement, is being planned in the near future.
The Highway Department is also responsible for pothole repairs throughout the City. Please report potholes on City Streets by calling DPW (516) 676-4402.
Water and freezing temperature related damage is a common reason for potholes. Therefore more potholes occur during the winter season. During these times it may take longer to respond to requests because of the work volume and temperature conditions. Asphalt cannot be applied effectively in wet and extremely cold conditions.
Part of the annual road program includes the repair and replacement of existing sidewalks. The criteria considered is the severity of the sidewalk damage or deflection and proximity to a large number of other sidewalks requiring repair.
Requests for street surface or sidewalk repairs may be relayed directly to the department at (516) 676-4402 during normal business hours. If you are reporting a particularly large pothole that is disrupting the flow of traffic, alert the dispatcher (676-4853) that a barricade may be required.
Nassau County Department of Public Works maintains twenty-one (21) main roadways within the City limits. Requests for street surface may be relayed directly to the Highway and Bridge Maintenance Department at (516) 571-6935. For a list of the roads maintained by the County, please refer to section regarding snow removal.
Drainage maintenance personnel are responsible for the maintenance of all catch basins and underground piping throughout the City.
The automotive maintenance personnel service all vehicle stock for the City including vehicles used by the Department of Public Works Divisions, the Building Department, Code Enforcement, Golf Course, Senior Center, and Youth Services and Recreation. This function is also responsible for removal of surplus inventory and compliance with regulatory guidelines from the Department of Transportation.
All private and utility construction and/or maintenance activities that take place within the City right-of-way are subject to oversight by the City. This is most usually accomplished via a permit application and review process.
Snow and ice must be removed from residential sidewalks in front of your home and all commercial properties within 12 hours of snowfall.
Residents are responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of their homes. Slippery surfaces must be salted or sanded. It is especially important for those homeowners that reside in the vicinity of a neighborhood school to be sure that their sidewalks are shoveled. Children should not be forced to walk in the street because sidewalks have not been cleared of snow and ice.
Snow Emergency
When the Mayor declares a Snow Emergency, Glen Cove residents MUST adhere to the following rules:
- Residents must park their vehicles in their driveway. Those without a driveway must park on the odd side of the street. This will facilitate plowing and sanding of the streets—a necessity for the passage of emergency vehicles. It’s a good idea to park on the ODD side of the street even when just a few inches of snow accumulation is predicted. Cars parked on the even side of the street are subject to a summons and may be towed at the owner’s expense.
- Pursuant to the Municipal Code, snow and ice from the sidewalk must be removed from the front of residential and commercial premises within 12 hours of a snowfall. Slippery surfaces must be salted or sanded. Safe passage along the sidewalk for pedestrians the responsibility of the property owner. Each property owner is responsible for clearing the end of their individual driveways after the plows come through. It is common that there will be snow left at the end of your driveway after the plow has passed through. This is an inevitable effect of plowing the streets. Residents should remain patient during these circumstances, as the plow will do its best to maintain a snow free street, but some pile-up of snow outside the driveway will occur.
- MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITS the throwing or plowing of snow from a private residence or business into the middle of a City street. NONCOMPLIANCE MAY RESULT IN A SUMMONS BEING ISSUED.
- Residents and commercial property owners are asked to be a good neighbor and help out the volunteer fire department by digging out the fire hydrants near their property. If the sidewalk adjoining a property is a designated school bus stop, it is particularly important that it be cleared immediately to prevent injury.
- Reminder: To drive an ATV or Quad on public streets, the vehicle must be registered and insured.
Roads in Glen Cove Maintained by Nassau County DPW:
The following streets in Glen Cove are maintained by the Nassau County Department of Public Works and all issues (snow or general road conditions) concerning these roads should be referred directly to the County (516) 571-6900.
Brewster Street, Cedar Swamp Road, Cottage Row, Crescent Beach Road, Dosoris Lane, Dosoris Way, Duck Pond Road, Ellwood Street, Forest Avenue, Glen Cove Avenue, Highland Road, Hill Street, Landing Road, Lattingtown Road, Pearsal Avenue, Pratt Boulevard, Sea Cliff Avenue, Shore Road, Skunks Misery Road, Town Path, Town Path Extension, Walnut Road. Every effort is made by the Glen Cove Department of Public Works to plow and sand city streets on a timely basis. Please exercise patience and understand that streets are plowed continuously throughout a snow storm and prioritized by frequency traveled and hazardous hilly areas.
The City receives and reports all street lighting issues to the contracted electrician who is responsible for maintaining the street lights on city streets, parks and public parking areas. When reporting a lighting problem, it is helpful to know a pole number or house number/street where the outage is located.
The City street lighting system is designed to address the necessary lighting for safe vehicle operation and safe pedestrian movement. The City privately contracts with a Licensed Electrician to maintain the street lighting system in proper working condition. Street Light outages should be reported directly to (516) 676-4402.
The sign maintenance personnel are responsible for the maintenance and installation of all street signs, traffic signs and billboards. Traffic control signage and traffic signal installations must conform to the U.S. and New York State Department of Transportation Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. This manual requires a study be conducted to determine, among other things, traffic and pedestrian volumes, number and type of accidents at the location, and sight distances.
City traffic and regulatory signs are replaced or repaired by the Highway Department. Requests for maintenance to existing street and traffic control signage can be relayed directly to the department at (516) 676-4402.
Nassau County Department of Traffic Engineering maintains the traffic signal system (traffic lights) found within the City. To report a traffic signal problem, please contact the County at (516) 571-4122.
The tree maintenance personnel are responsible for plantings, removals and trimmings. For general inquiries regarding maintenance of City trees, please call (516) 676-4402.
The Draft of the City 2021 Storm Water Management Program Annual Report (SWMPAR) is now available for public review by clicking on the link below, at the Public Works Department. Comments and questions on the City Stormwater Management Program can be submitted to (516) 676-4402.
Sanitation personnel are responsible for the collection and disposal of Municipal Solid Waste/Yard Waste for approximately 10,000 homes and businesses. Recycling personnel manage the collection and disposal of plastic, aluminum, glass, tin, newspaper, magazines, advertising inserts, and corrugated cardboard & assorted metals for approximately 10,000 homes and businesses.
Residential garbage is restricted to four (4) thirty gallon containers, weighing a maximum of 75 pounds, per collection day.
Click here for a City Map showing Collection Days for your area.
Click here for the 2025 Holiday Sanitation Schedule
• The Department of Public Works will collect NORMAL amounts of refuse from premises. For ABNORMAL amounts, the Department of Public Works has the right to refuse material, defer collection, or collect material in part. Please keep garbage limits in mind for move-outs and plan ahead to use multiple garbage collection days to dispose of unwanted items.
• Large items such as couches, chairs, mattresses and other bulky items will be picked up with the normal garbage collection. PLEASE BE SURE TO REMOVE ALL METAL FRAMES FROM SOFABEDS. Items larger than 4ft should be broken down to 4ft and under, whenever possible. Metal items such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, dryers, and air conditioners will be picked up on Wednesday. You must call the Department of Public Works 516-676-4402 or the Public Works Yard at 516-676-4858 no later than 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday to arrange for a pickup. Doors must be removed from refrigerators.
• Injurious materials such as glass and metal with sharp edges, must be containerized so that the collector will not be injured handling them.
• Glass should be broken out of windows, doors and mirrors, and should be containerized by placing the pieces in a cardboard box, sealing it and labeling it “glass”.
• Any nails sticking out of a piece of wood must be removed or hammered down so that they are not sticking out and causing a potentially dangerous situation for the sanitation collector.
• No loose garbage should be placed in your garbage can. All refuse should be bagged before entering your garbage pail.
• Mattresses and bedding must be wrapped in plastic.
• Garbage cans must be removed off the curb on the same day as pickup.
Prohibited Materials -- The City of Glen Cove CANNOT accept the following materials:
• Construction, remodeling, repair and contract operations waste materials, such as bricks; plaster and plasterboard; shingles; roofing materials; concrete and asphalt; wooden pallets; and electrical and plumbing waste. These materials must be removed by a private contractor.
• Hazardous materials, which include products that are explosive or radioactive must be disposed by a private hauler. Disinfectants, pesticides, flammables (unused), propane tanks with contents, automobile fluids (not to include motor oil) may be disposed of properly at the City’s bi-annual S.T.O.P Program at 100 Morris Avenue. Please review the City Calendar for event date announcements.
• Electronic Waste such as; Televisions, computers, and batteries should be disposed of during our biannual E-Waste Program held at 100 Morris Avenue. Please review the City Calendar for event date announcements. The Sanitation Department is accepting televisions for disposal. Interested residents should call DPW @ 676-4402 for a special pickup.
• Grass Clippings.
The City of Glen Cove WILL NOT pick up your grass clippings. Residents with proper ID may bring their grass clippings to the DPW Yard located at 100 Morris Avenue. Private Landscapers are NOT permitted to use this site for drop off.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has mandated that the City of Glen Cove may no longer pick up residential grass clippings. Residents may drop off clippings at the DPW Yard @ 100 Morris Avenue. Dumpsters are set up outside by the gate for disposal.
Private landscapers must take bagged grass clippings to an approved waste disposal or composting facility the City of Glen Cove will NOT accept grass clippings from private Landscapers.
Composting is a great way to recycle your kitchen and yard waste and ultimately can be used for nutrient rich soil to grow healthy flowers and vegetables. Composting is an environmentally friendly way to recycle your biodegradable waste and can divert as much as 30% of household waste away from the garbage can, and in turn, out of our landfills. Residents are encouraged to compost outside their homes.
Single-stream recycling is a system in which all recyclables, including newspaper, cardboard, plastic, aluminum, junk mail, etc., are placed in a single bin or cart for recycling. These recyclables are collected by a single truck and taken to a sorting facility.
Items that are accepted as part of the new Single Stream Recycling program
- Junk Mail
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Cans
- Bottles
- Phone Books
- Aerosol Cans
- Plastics 1-7 (Please Wash)
- Metal Tin
- Aluminum Containers
- Cardboard (Now collected on your regular recycling day)
Single Stream Recycling: Please ensure cardboard is flattened and tied. - Shredded Paper (Please place in clear plastic bag)
Items that are NOT accepted as part of Single Stream Recycling
- Ceramics
- Household Waste
- Styrofoam
- Plastic Bags
- Light Strings
- Garden Hoses
- Food Waste
- Wire Hangers
- Dry Cleaning Bags
- Batteries
- Electronics
Residential Guide to Single Stream Recycling
Recycling Special Materials:
Waste Oil
Since the City of Glen Cove no longer accepts waste oil, we encourage residents to drop off their waste oil at local service stations.
Dismounted Tires
The City of Glen Cove will accept up to two dismounted tires per residential household annually. The rims must be removed and called in for Wednesday metal pick-up.
Leaves and all yard waste must be placed in clear plastic bags only. Tree trimmings and hedge cuttings must be tied in bundles less than 4 feet in length and 24 inches in diameter; bundles must weigh less than 50 pounds. No more than 10 bundles per week may be placed at curbside of collection.
REMINDER: Yard waste does not include grass clippings. The City does not pick up grass clippings.
Your cooperation is needed in our effort to help the environment, ensure your safety and save tax payer dollars. Please take a moment to read this important information and adhere to the Glen Cove City Code.
Leaves and all yard waste must be placed in CLEAR plastic bags!
Wednesday is the day for leaf pick up.
Please put them out on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning before 7:00 a.m. Leaves that are not in clear bags or are mixed with other garbage or yard waste will not be picked up. Please help the City avoid unnecessary fees by bagging your leaves separately in clear plastic bags.
Composting is great for growing flowers and vegetables: it returns nutrients to the soil and saves City labor and equipment costs. More information on composting is available at City Hall
Do not rake or blow leaves into the street! Raking or blowing leaves into the street becomes a safety hazard and is prohibited by the Glen Cove Municipal Code. Violations will be issued to both the homeowner and the landscaper if one is involved.
Commercial and Retail Property Maintenance: The owner or occupant of every commercial or retail facility in the City is responsible for keeping the sidewalks, curbs and adjoining parking areas clean and free from trash, dirt, weeds, rubbish and obstructions of any kind. Any accumulation of papers, boxes, debris, garbage, ashes, sweepings, cans or refuse should be cleaned up in a timely fashion. Failure to comply with the code may result in the issuance of court summonses.
The City will collect LARGE metal items, such as refrigerators, stoves and air conditioners, on Wednesdays. You must call the City at 676-4402 or 676-4858 for metal pickups on the preceding Monday to arrange a pickup.
Responsible for the maintenance of all City parklands and recreational facilities. These properties include three public beaches, three parks, several sports fields and other diverse facilities for use by our residents.
• Three public beaches (Crescent, Morgan & Pryibil)
• Three public parks (Stanco, Dennis Brian Murray (Leech Circle) & Big Ralph)
• Morgan Park Performance Stage
• City of Glen Cove Boat Ramp
• Glen Cove Yacht Club/Glen Cove Anglers Club
• Glen Cove Boxing Club
• Pascucci Soccer Field
• City Stadium (8 baseball fields/multi-use facility)
• City of Glen Cove Pistol Range
• Tennis Courts – 3 @ Stanco Park
• Bocce Courts – 2
• Pickleball Court – 1
• Kayak storage racks at Pryibil Beach and Garvies Point
Glen Cove’s three beautiful beaches are Pryibil Beach, located on East Beach Road, Crescent Beach located on Crescent Beach Road, and Morgan Park located on Germaine Street.
Basic rules of the Glen Cove beaches
• No dogs are permitted at any facility at any time.
• Flotation devices and ball playing are prohibited.
• Alcohol is not permitted at any time.
• Bathe in designated swim areas only and only when lifeguards are on duty.
• When you hear the whistle, look at the lifeguard’s chair. They may want your attention.
• No diving off of floats or piers.
• Rollerblades, skateboards, bicycles and scooters are not permitted beyond parking areas.
• Help keep our beaches clean; please dispose of garbage in receptacles provided.
When and where can I acquire a beach permit?
Beach permits are issued starting in late January. They are available Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 pm. by appointment only. Please call (516) 676-3766 to schedule an appointment. Permits are also issued at the beach entrances, provided that your license and registration both have your Glen Cove address listed. If this is not the case, you can obtain a permit at City Hall by presenting a utility bill (i.e., phone or gas bill) or your current lease or deed to your home, along with your driver’s license and registration (by appointment).
Beach stickers must be affixed to your vehicle. The sticker is to be placed on the driver side back passenger window. Stickers that are not adhered to your vehicle will be confiscated, as beach privileges are not transferable.
Special Permits
Special one-day or short stay permits will be issued for family members of Glen Cove residents who wish to access our beaches. Contact (516) 676-3766 for further information.
Concrete boat launching facility.
Garvies Point Road
The Glen Cove Boat Ramp is a concrete boat launching facility set on a four-acre parcel at the western terminus of Garvies Point Road. A permit is required.
City Boat Ramp Fees
Boat ramp permits are only available at the entrance to the ramp on Garvies Point Road. Weekend and holiday hours are 9 am to 5 pm, and weekday hours are from 8 am to 4 pm. All hours are subject to foul weather closures. When purchasing a seasonal permit, you must have your boat trailer and registration with you.
Commercial haulers may purchase permits at the ramp or through the Parks & Recreation office if multiple carriers from the same hauler will be launching boats.
How to get to City Boat Ramp
Make a left at Glen Cove Fire house onto Glen Cove Avenue. At the first light, make a right onto Charles Street. Follow Charles Street until it intersects Herb Hill Road and name a left onto Herb Hill Road. At the end of Herb Hill Rd (a T intersection) make a left onto Garvies Point Road. Follow Garvies Point Road all the way to the end to the boat ramp.
Glen Cove’s has wonderful parks throughout the City.
One basketball court, one handball court, one children’s play area.
Location: Leech Circle South
Facilities include:
• Two all-purpose playing fields
• Playground
• Paved parking for 40 cars
• Formal, gated entrance
Transformation of Dennis Brian Murray Park
Dennis Brian Murray Park has undergone a major transformation! The former Leech Circle Park, perched on a wooded hillside overlooking downtown Glen Cove, was one of the most underutilized recreational facilities in the City of Glen Cove. In the fall of 2003, the park was formally rededicated as Dennis Brian Murray Park, named in honor of a young Glen Cove man killed in action during the Vietnam War.
Demolition of deteriorated playing courts began in late 2002. Despite being hampered to by an exceptionally rainy summer, construction of the first phase of the park was completed in September 2003.
Click here to view dog park rules and regulations
How to get to Dennis Brian Murray Park
From in front of the Glen Cove Fire House, turn onto Glen Cove Avenue headed towards Route 107. Make your first left onto Bridge Street. Go one block and make a right onto Glen Street. Follow Glen Street until you reach the intersection with Hendrick Avenue, on the right side of the street opposite St. Patrick’s Church. Make a right onto Hendrick Avenue. After crossing the bridge, make a left onto Porter Place. Leech Circle South will be on your left. The entrance to Leech Circle Park is located on the right just before the curve.
Location: Lattingtown Road, adjacent to Glen Cove Municipal Golf Course
Facility consists of:
• Four tennis courts (3 lighted)
• Four paddleball/handball courts
• Two basketball courts (lighted)
• Playground (Effective 1/12/2021- Stanco Park Playground is closed for repairs)
• Restaurant and concession stand
• An adjoining 18 hole golf course
How to get to the Stanco Park: At the Glen Cove Fire House, turn right onto Brewster Street. Go four blocks north-east to Dosoris Lane; turn left onto Dosoris Lane. Follow Dosoris Lane north until the very end (a T intersection) and turn right onto Lattingtown Road. Travel east along Lattingtown Road about 1 mile, to the entrance of the Glen Cove Municipal Golf Course.
Glen Cove Yacht Club
Floating dock, a mooring field, pumpout station, weekend launch service, rowboats, dinghy storage, clubhouse and shower facilities.
Telephone: 676-9450
Western terminus of McLoughlin Street
Click here to visit the Glen Cove Yacht Club’s website
The Glen Cove Yacht Club is located on city-owned property immediately adjacent to Morgan Memorial Park. The Yacht Club and its members were a vital part of three successful waterfront festivals in our city. It also serves as a weigh-in station for the annual Mayor’s Bluefish Derby.
How to get to Glen Cove Yacht Club
At the Glen Cove Fire House, turn right onto Brewster Street. At first light, make a left onto Mill Hill Road (take the fork going UPHILL). At the top of the hill bear left onto a street called The Place. Make the third left onto McLoughlin Street (you will see a sign for Morgan Park there). Follow McLoughlin Street almost to the end, and make a right onto Germaine Street. The entrance to the parking lot will be on the left.
Michael Colangelo- Water Dept. Foreman- [email protected]
Denise O'Connor- Water Dept. Account Supervisor- [email protected]
The Water Department is responsible for the provision of safe potable water to Glen Cove residents and businesses. The department maintains several wells and miles of water-mains, installs and reads meters, and coordinates the water usage billing and collection.
For general inquiries please call (516) 676-2297.
For questions or concerns regarding your water bill please call (516) 676-2238.
For emergencies after regular office hours please call (516) 656-2973.
The water we deliver to our customers is of excellent quality, meeting and often exceeding local, state and federal standards or guidelines.
It is important for our consumers to be aware of the extensive monitoring required of all public water suppliers. Glen Cove Water must comply with strictly enforced standards established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the New York State Health Department, and the Nassau County Department of Health Services. New York State’s are among the most stringent water standards in the nation.
The City also is required to routinely monitor its system by testing the water both at the wellhead and within the distribution system for a wide range of parameters, including bacteria, inorganic chemicals such as nitrate, chloride, lead and volatile organic compounds, including benzene and trichloroethylene. We are required by law to test for volatile organic compounds at each well site four(4) times a year. However, if there is an environmental concern in the vicinity of any of our wells, or if minute traces of a regulated constituent have already been found at a well site, the City will opt to test on a more regular basis, which may mean weekly, bi-weekly or monthly testing. We believe, to truly ensure a safe drinking water supply for all our customers at all times, a conservative or precautionary approach is necessary and in the public’s best interest.
When wells are in need of remediation, the City utilizes Granular Activated Carbon (GAC’s) systems to filter and purify the water. Currently more than half of the City’s water supply is being filtered. That is why we believe “prevention” of the contamination of the water supply is paramount.
In addition to monitoring, the Nassau County Health Department also routinely performs tests of the public water supply at the wellhead and at various parts in the distribution system. The purpose of all this monitoring is to ensure that the highest quality water is served to consumers.
While the City has a plentiful water supply, water should not be wasted. There are a number of things you can do around your home or business to conserve water and save you money in the process. Remember, you pay for the water that you use.
Outside your home or business
Water your lawn efficiently. Only water once or twice per week, but for longer periods of time. You should put down about 1½ to 2 inches of water per week. Make certain that you are not applying water to the street or driveway when watering. As silly as this might sound, don’t water in the rain. If you have an automatic in ground irrigation system, use your manual override to turn off your system in the rain. Keep your in ground system in good repair. Fix or replace broken sprinkler heads and be mindful of saturated areas in your lawns or gardens. Very wet areas may indicate a leak in your system or that you are overwatering in this area. Use a trigger nozzle on your outdoor hose. This will automatically shut off the running water when the hose is not in use. Check outside faucets for leaks. With freezing and thawing, your outside faucets can develop leaks. If a leak exists, have it repaired as soon as possible. Consider using mulch in your gardens. This helps maintain moisture in the soil and will allow you to water less often. It cuts down on weeding too!
Inside Your Home or Business
Check leaky faucets and have them repaired as soon as possible. Even a small leak can waste over 70 gallons of water a day. If it is the hot water faucet that is leaking, you’re also wasting energy (oil, gas, or electric) to heat the leaking water! Silent leaks in toilets are a big waste of water. You can put vegetable food dye or even the last of the coffee in your coffee pot into the tank (not the bowl) to check for a leak. Let the water sit for a few hours and then check to see if the water in the toilet bowl is discolored. If it is, you have a silent leak! Repair it promptly. Toilets that run periodically indicate a leaking toilet, another waste of water in need of repair. Run dishwashers and washing machines only with full loads. If you must run your washing machine with less than a full load, adjust the water level accordingly. Consider replacing showerheads with water conserving heads. They’ve come a long way and now provide a good flow and pressure while conserving water. Also consider replacing faucet aerators with water conserving units. The way in which you use water on a day-to-day basis can greatly affect the total amount of water you use each day.
Water Department Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Water Department a private or public entity? The Water Department is owned by the City of Glen Cove and complies with all regulations and guidelines set by the NYS Department of Health and the Nassau County Health Department.
How can I contact the Water Department? The Water Department office is open daily from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and can be reached at (516) 676-2238. The office is located in Room 301 in Glen Cove City Hall.
In case of emergency after-hours or on the weekend, the phone number is (516) 656-2973.
How is my water billed? Residential meters are read and invoiced on a quarterly basis. Commercial meters are read and invoiced monthly.
How are the charges computed? All charges are based on actual consumption.
How can I pay my water bill? There are a few options as follows:
• A blue return envelope is enclosed with every water bill for check/money order payments returned by U.S. Mail.
• The Finance Department accepts payment in person, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
• There is a convenient drop box at the Finance Department windows for after-hours CHECK PAYMENTS ONLY.
• In addition, you may pay your water bill online with a credit card, debit card or e-check at or follow the link on the City’s website.
How do I know if I have an actual reading when I never see the meter reader? Most homes and commercial properties in Glen Cove have either a remote on the outside of the premises or a meter that uses radio-frequency to give a reading. The readings are collected by a hand-held computer and brought back to the billing office for downloading.
Why do I always get a letter about my water meter? Due to upgrades to the hand-held meter reading computers and billing software.
When is my water billed mailed? The residential water bills are mailed approximately one week after the last day of the month of your billing cycle.
What other information is on my water bill? The top of the invoice has your customer account number, premises owner and service address and the mailing address, along with the reading date
range and billing date.
Who is the water billed mailed to? The Water bill is mailed to the listed owner of the property. In case of a rental, the water bill may be sent to the tenant directly with the written permission of the owner and a tenant deposit held at the Water Department.
I have a multi-family house with one water meter. Can I have the water bill mailed to an individual tenant? The bill must remain in the owner’s name.
I am selling my house. What are my responsibilities? The seller of the premises has the responsibility to notify the Water Department to schedule a final read along with final payment arrangements. It is the responsibility of the seller and/or their attorney to notify the Department of the new owner information. If this information is not provided, the property will remain in the previous owner’s name until the new owner supplies a copy of the title for our records.
I am a renter and I’m moving out. What are my responsibilities? A tenant has the responsibility to arrange for a final reading along with a forwarding address for the final invoice.
What happens if I do not make payments on my account? Will the City shut off my water? The City does not shut off water for delinquent accounts.
I received a letter in October for past due payments, what next? Payment must be made within 15 days or the arrears will be levied to the first half of the City tax bills, which are mailed in December.
I’m having plumbing work done. What do I need to do? Notification must be made to the Water Department before any work is done (except in case of emergency) to have the outside shut-off valve located and be in working order before any work is done.
There are times the Water Department shuts off the water on my street and I’m not notified. Is this allowed? In cases of emergency, all efforts are made to notify residents that the water will be shut off. There are strict time parameters that the water can be off, be it an emergency or routine.
I see blue lines on the street. Does this mean the City is tearing up my road? They are required by law and placed by the utility companies to signify where underground lines (water, gas, electric, etc.) are buried before any digging can occur.
Is my water good to drink? The Water Department follows strict water testing guidelines set forth by the NYS and Nassau County Department of Health. The Annual Water Quality Report is on the City’s website.