Code Enforcement

Cynthia Ayres
9 Glen St., 3rd Floor – Room 307, Glen Cove
Phone: (516) 320-7869
Code Enforcement is responsible for enforcement of City laws, ordinances and regulations. These laws, ordinances and regulations are generally aimed at keeping the City's residential and commercial areas clean and safe. Residents may report what they believe to be a violation of City Code to Code Enforcement. If the condition they report appears to violate the Code, an inspector will be sent out to investigate the matter. If the inspector concludes that a violation has been committed, a notice of violation or a court summons/appearance ticket may be issued to the offending property owner, requiring the owner to appear in court for a judicial proceeding. Offenders found guilty in court may be subject to fines. To report a possible violation, please call the office or fill out and mail a request for investigation. Click on the link below for an investigation request form.
Important information regarding rental properties:
If you are the owner of a one (1) or two (2) family non-owner-occupied rental property, you are required to register the property(ies) with Code Enforcement per Section 168-65 of the City of Glen Cove Codes and Ordinances.
Failure to register rental property(ies) may result in the issuance of a notice of violation and possible penalties pursuant to Section 168-72 of the City of Glen Cove Codes and Ordinances.
Short term/transient rentals: As per Section 280-45.3 of the City of Glen Cove Codes and Ordinances, the rental of any dwelling unit or portion of a dwelling unit, detached garage, dock, shed, pool, cabana, athletic or recreational court or other outdoor accessory structure or yard for a period of less than 28 days is not permitted in the City of Glen Cove.
Any person, association, firm, company or corporation found to be in violation of Section 280-45.3 is subject to penalties pursuant to Section 280-45.4.
If you have any questions or to register your property, please call the office at: 516-320-7869.
Use your home the way you're supposed to:
- Cellar/basement occupancy is prohibited. Don't let anyone live in the cellar/basement of your home.
- Don't let your home be used by more than the number of families legally permitted. (For example, two separate families living in a one family home)
- Overcrowding is prohibited. Don’t let your home be occupied by more than the number of persons legally permitted. (For questions regarding occupancy limits of a home, please call the Code Enforcement office)
Keep your neighborhood suburban and beautiful:
- Mow lawns and trim bushes on your property regularly.
- Keep any fencing on your property in safe condition.
- Unregistered vehicles may not be kept in open areas of your property.
- Properly contain your garbage/recycling and dispose of it regularly on scheduled collection days.
- Remove garbage/recycling containers from curbside by the end of scheduled collection days.
- Cars, trucks or other motor vehicles may not be parked on lawns/grass.
- Commercial vehicles may not be parked in open areas of a property in a residential zone between midnight and 6 a.m.
Sidewalks are for people, keep them that way:
- Keep your sidewalk free and clear of snow, ice, filth, dirt, weeds, and trash.
- Don't park cars, trucks, or other motor vehicles on sidewalks.
- Don't use sidewalks to conduct your business.
Don't do the following work on your property without first getting a permit from the Building Department or checking to see if you need a permit:
- Raise the grade of your land
- Install retaining walls (a retaining wall is a structure that supports earth or rock next to it)
- Interior work that involves structural changes
- Construct a deck
- Demolition work
- Install/replace a fence
- Install a wood or gas stove, fireplaces
- Electrical service changes or repairs
- Finish a basement or attic
- Install/replace an accessory structure on your property, such as a shed or greenhouse
- Modify, replace, or convert your heating/cooling system
- Place a temporary storage container (POD) on your property
- Cut down a tree (Contact the Department of Public Works to inquire about tree removal permits)
Foreclosure Prevention Information
Helpful links and resources for those facing foreclosure: