Sewer Lateral Program

The City of Glen Cove Private Sewer Lateral Repair Program provides City residents & homeowners with an affordable solution for servicing their private sewer laterals while complying with federal, state & local laws & regulations.

The anatomy of your house's sewer lateral system


What are sewer laterals?

Sewer laterals are pipes that transport waste from homes to the public sewer collection system located underground (blue & purple lines).

Why discuss sewer laterals now?

Before the advent of PVC piping, laterals were constructed from metal and other substandard materials that deteriorate over time. Sewer laterals in the City of Glen Cove are collectively starting to reach this critical age.

Over time root intrusion occurs causing pipes to break underground. This leads to backups and sewage seeping into the ground items (items 6 & 7). The damage caused by these issues and their repairs are EXTREMELY costly.  

What is the city doing to help?

The City of Glen Cove has been working on a highly cost-effective program to assist our residents with inspections and repair of damaged laterals.

Contact Information

24/7 Hotline: 800-926-7910

email: [email protected]


Root Intrusion:  Large tree roots penetrate sewer laterals. Where does the contaminated sewage go? It seeps into the ground... under your home! 
Modern day sewer laterals are constructed with PVC piping, a durable alternative to the days of old.