Mayor Panzenbeck, the City of Glen Cove and the Age-Friendly Center (Glen Cove Senior Center) are happy to present TimeBank programs.
TimeBank programs are a meaningful way to take volunteering to the next level and connect neighbors and build communities by exchanging skills, talents, and interests with one another without monetary currency. The key concept is that everyone has something to offer, everyone could use help sometimes, and everyone’s time is of equal value. They exist in over 30 countries and many communities!
The Glen Cove TimeBank provides residents and organizations with an opportunity to request and provide select services (such as doing yardwork, hosting virtual art classes, assisting with grocery shopping or learning a language) with their neighbors and other organizations. Fill out an application at the senior center or on our website!
For more information about our programs, please visit or contact the Age-Friendly Glen Cove team at the Glen Cove Senior Center at 516-759-9610 or [email protected]. You can also follow Age-Friendly Glen Cove on Facebook and Instagram.